Humans have been created as social beings that require company. The creation of Adam ‘alayhis salaam was complemented by Hawwa ‘alayhas salâm, our first mother. Allah provided the first man a partner with whom to experience and witness His bounties. Not all marriages are ‘made in heaven’ though. It so happens that couples may have problems in their marital relations.

As Muslims we should not shy away and instead reach out for help whenever possible. In Al Tawheed we strive to aid our muslim brothers and sisters to overcome day to day challenges and difficulties such as

  • Family disputes and arbitration
  • Marriage disputes
  • Teenage related issues

  • Religious and spiritual counseling for personal development, or personal coaching and mentoring.
  • Faith counseling for people struggling with doubt and confusion regarding matters of faith.

Please note that Al Tawheed provides religious counseling and is not a qualified counselor in areas such as mental health or psychology . You can still book us for that purpose but the nature of the counsel/advice will be religious/spiritual.

Furthermore Al Tawheed Academy will strive to improve/resolve the case however cannot guarantee the results.

We consider all cases with strict confidentiality. We also consider your cases with priority and will handle them with care however due to our limited amount of counseling time you may need to wait for an appointment and we will provide you with the approximate waiting time to the best of our ability.


Non members:         £20 per 30 minutes sessions

Members:                 Free service 30 min per quarter (every 3 months) then £15 per 30 minutes sessions

Payments must be made in advance of the session towards the below account details. We also accept credit cards for payments.

Account name:                    Al Tawheed Academy LTD

Account sort code:             20-42-76

Account number:                23534162

If you cannot afford the fee, please let us know. We will still try to help you.

Please click here to complete the form below to explain your needs clearly bearing in mind all of the points above.